Politics - Page 7

The Threat – Andrew G. McCabe

March 4, 2019
The Threat: How the FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump, Andrew G. McCabe, St. Martin’s Press, 2019, pp. 274, $39.99, ISBN 978-1-250-20757-9 The Trump presidency has proven to be a boon to the publishing industry. Both key and minor players who voluntarily quit, or as is

From the Ground Up – Howard Schultz

February 16, 2019
From the Ground Up: A Journey to Reimagine the Promise of America, Howard Schultz with Joanne Gordon, Random House New York, 2019, pp. 352, $37.00, ISBN 978-0-525-50944-8 Howard Schultz came in from the cold. Appearing on 60 Minutes in the last week of January, Howard Schultz, founder and former CEO

This Fight is Our Fight – Elizabeth Warren

February 7, 2019
This Fight is Our Fight: The Battle to Save America’s Middle Class, Elizabeth Warren, Metropolitan Books, 2017, pp. 337, $39, ISBN 978-1-250-12061-8 Elizabeth Warren officially announced that she will be running for the presidency of the United States in 2020, thereby satisfying at least a portion of the population who

Germany’s Hidden Crisis – Oliver Nachtwey

January 21, 2019
Germany’s Hidden Crisis: Social Decile in the Heart of Europe, Oliver Nachtwey, Verso Books, 2018, pp. 247, $35.99, ISBN 978-1-78663-634-8 In the popular imagination, Germany is Europe’s most powerful economy and at the forefronts of industrial innovation. It is a country that keeps the other struggling economies afloat while making

Choke Points – Alimahomed Wilson & Ness

January 4, 2019
Choke Points: Logistics Workers Disrupting the Global Supply Chain, Jake Alimahomed-Wilson and Immanuel Ness (Eds.) Pluto Press, 2018, pp. 272, £18.99, ISBN: 978-0-7453-3724-1 On Friday, November 26, 2018, the Royal Assent was given to Bill C-89, or, an ‘act to provide for the resumption and continuation of postal services’, thereby

Dirty Secrets – Richard Murphy

December 13, 2018
Dirty Secrets: How Tax Havens Destroy the Economy, Richard Murphy, Verso, February 2017, pp. 216, $23.95, ISBN 978-1-78663-167-1 When the mysterious John Doe provided the Süddeutsche Zeitung and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists with 11.5 million leaked documents that detailed information of more than 200,000 off-shore entities, he cited income

Lights in the Distance – Daniel Triling

December 4, 2018
Lights in the Distance: Exile and Refuge at the Borders of Europe, Daniel Triling, Verso Books, 2018, pp. 282, $35.99, ISBN 978-1-78663-279-1 In the summer of 2016, I had the privilege to meet Ali and Prince. Ali and Prince were refugees from Afghanistan, passing through Serbia on their way to

Radical Technologies – Adam Greenfield

November 21, 2018
Radical Technologies: The Design of Everyday Life, Adam Greenfield, Verso Books, 2017, pp. 359, $39.99, 978- 1- 78478 – 043 – 2 If we were to judge a book by its cover, Radical Technologies, published by the ‘largest independent, radical publishing house in the English speaking world’, one would assume

Against Creativity – Oli Mould

November 13, 2018
Against Creativity, Oli Mould, Verso Books, October 2018, pp. 240, $33, ISBN 978-1-78663-649-2 In 2015, Martin Prosperity Institute, affiliated with the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management published a report titled Global Creativity Index. The report sought to assess the ‘creativity’ of countries by measuring their economic growth and
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